ZBV Abogados, a Leading Light in Pro Bono service in Latin America
A joint Pro Bono survey launched by Latin Lawyer and the Cyrus V. Vance Center for International Justice identified Zang, Bergel & Viñes Abogados as one of the Leading Lights in Pro Bono work in Latin America. The survey, which generated a record turnout of 101 responses from firms across Latin America, selected those firms that demonstrate an above-average commitment to pro bono by making it an essential part of their philosophy and professional infrastructure. Zang, Bergel & Viñes takes a very strong stance in its commitment to pro bono work, both through non-profit organizations, supporting our clients’ CSR initiatives, and as one of the law firms working with the Buenos Aires Bar Association’s Pro Bono and Public Interest Committee.



El potencial rechazo del DNU 70/2023 y su impacto en los contratos en curso de ejecución
Por Maillén Obaid
Baravalle & Granados Abogados
detrás del traje
Marcelo Jaime
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