Appleby Represented China’s Inc. in its $203 million IPO

Appleby acted as Cayman Counsel to the China based Inc. which is the biggest online video company in China and considered to be similar to You Tube. Inc. launched its IPO on Nasdaq in December 2010 and its shares had the largest gain for a U.S. initial public offering in five years. Inc. trades under the symbol YOKU and is China's leading Internet television company. Youku offers a combination of licensed professional content, user-generated content and self-produced web video content. According to iResearch, Youku attracts approximately 203 million monthly unique visitors from homes and offices and 61 million monthly unique visitors from Internet cafes, and has a 40% share of total user time spent viewing online videos among Chinese internet users. was launched in December 2006.


The Appleby team included partner Sherice Arman and associates Alison Cole, Anna-Lise Bailey, Jessica Wormald and Caroline McCann, all Corporate & Commercial, Cayman Islands.




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